Transition. In my life, I have transitioned from one house to another about 3 miles apart. I have also transitioned from one town in Mississippi to another about 130 miles apart. Now, I am about to transition from Oxford, MS, to Wake Forest, NC, with my husband to attend seminary for a degree in Christian Counseling. Moving 12 hours away from everything I know: family, friends, Cru, and normal is going to put my track record of transitions through the roof. Needless to say, I do not have a real understanding of this whole transition thing, in the physical sense anyway.
But thankfully, the Lord has given me a heart understanding of transition. He brought me from death to life and told me every promise He gives me is made "yes" in Christ (2 Cor. 1). Therefore, I am clinging to His promises during this time and hopefully all times, by the power of the Spirit.
"If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people. The LORD replied, 'My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:13-14
This is one of my favorite passages of scripture - I love Moses. I love that he gets to speak face to face with God. I love the intimate relationship that they have and the fearlessness Moses has with the Lord as a result because he knows Him.
My prayer during this transition is that the Lord would teach me His ways that I might know Him, because in knowing Him, I am set free. Free from worry, fear, control, approval, performance, perfectionism, people-pleasing. When I know my Father, I find rest in His presence.
As the school year at Ole Miss came to an end, I desired to bless my sweet disciples. The result were these moleskin journals. I copied a few different fonts for aesthetic enhancement. Here are a few:
The verses on each of them described either what I feel they have learned, what I desire for them, or what I see manifested in them through Christ. As I wrote each a letter on the inside, I was brought to tears praising the Lord for His faithfulness to use me these past two years within the ministry of Cru. Although it is going to be incredibly hard to leave where I have seen Him produce fruit, I know He will be faithful - to help me remain in Him, to prune me even more, and to produce fruit where He desires. It is in Him that we find fullness of life and joy. And He will never leave me.